Keyword Album: Ronald Reagan
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 37 items
Today's Republicans Have It So Easy
Date: 07/24/2017
Views: 10387
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, trickle-down economics, Laffer curve, Donald Trump, GOP, conservatives, die, supply-side economics, Trumpcare, Obamacare, ACA, repeal and replace, healthcare, heartless, cruel
Trump's First Budget Is Based Upon A Lot of Weirdasss Assumptions
Date: 05/29/2017
Views: 10752
Keywords: Donald Trump, federal budget. tax cuts, trickle down economics, GDP, growth projections, unrealistic, GOP, Republicans, Ronald Reagan, Laffer, poverty, poor, dumpster diving
Bully Phone Pulpit
Date: 01/06/2017
Views: 10610
Keywords: outsourcing, globalization, NAFTA, free trade, jobs, UAW, factory, river, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush. George W. Bush, gruff, industrial Midwest, deindustrialization
The Trump Code
Date: 09/02/2015
Views: 7962
Keywords: dogwhistles, linguistics, Noam Chomsky, code, coded language, loaded language, implications, symbolism, semniotics, Republicans, Donald Trump, silent majority, welfare queen, Ronald Reagan
Never Happen
Date: 12/17/2013
Views: 9132
Keywords: Chris Christie, Barack Obama, 2016 presidential election, experience, Bush, Cheney, draft dodger, Ronald Reagan, clown, actor, bar, handicapping elections, entropy
Margaret Thatcher RIP
Date: 04/12/2013
Views: 9579
Keywords: Great Britain, United Kingdom, UK, miners, unions, Thatcherism, Ronald Reagan, obituary cartoon, privatization, market forces, homelessness, strike, stagnant, socialism, Iron Lady, 1980s
The First Step
Date: 11/21/2012
Views: 12986
Keywords: GOP, Republican Party, election results, defeat, racism, bigotry, private club, whites, males, rich, 1%ers, Republican Club, AA, 12-step program, first step, homophobia, Latinos, illegal immigration, women's rights, feminism, sexism, Ronald Reagan
How To Tell If Your Teacher Is A Leftist
Date: 04/03/2012
Views: 17242
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, University of California, colleges and universities, U.C., professors, academics, intellectuals, red-baiting, leftism, teachers, gays and lesbians, conservatism, classroom, doll, gal, elbow patches, Ronald Reagan, Ernest
Eu Tu, Malia?
Date: 09/26/2011
Views: 10557
Keywords: Malia Obama, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Polls, Democrats, Base, Liberals, Progressives, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Betrayal, Daughter, Desk