Keyword Album: SA
Date: 01/29/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1456 items
Date: 06/04/2007
Views: 11307
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Romney, 2008, President, Presidential, Election, Military, Torture, Terrorism, Gitmo, Guant?namo, Cuba, Internment, Detainee, Detainees, Sartre, Waterboarding, Wal-Mart
Weird Religious Cult
Date: 12/14/2007
Views: 11836
Keywords: Mormons, Joseph Smith, Mormonism, LDS, Church of Latter Day Saints, Christians, Christianity, Mitt Romney, Speech, JFK, Trinity, Eschaton, Falwell, Sin, Salvation, Faith, Science, Baptism, Holocaust, Babies
After Bush
Date: 12/10/2007
Views: 8523
Keywords: Bush, clone, Boys from Brazil, laser, decontaminant, Dalai Lama, crystal, Pope, miter, cross, crucifix, Mohammed, cloak, space, NASA, mission control, grave, extremists
Bush's Last Wars
Date: 12/01/2007
Views: 11703
Keywords: Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, President, Domestic Surveillance, Osama, Video, War on Error, Terror, Terrorism, Appositive, Awkward Phrases, Immigration, Laura Bush, Extradition, Social Security, Reform
Musharraf's End Game
Date: 11/08/2007
Views: 11867
Keywords: Pervez Musharraf, Musharraf, Pakistan, Saddam, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, War, Neocon, Neoconservatism, Future, Future War, Bush, President, Dictator, Footsie, Nuke, Nuclear, Technology, Set-Up
Profiles in Discouragement
Date: 11/05/2007
Views: 13633
Keywords: Pete Stark, Stark, Discouragement, Censure, Apology, Democrats, Wimpy, Wuss, Wimpiness, Cowardice, Heads, Iraq, Blown, President, Bush, Amusement, Terrorist, bin Laden, Osama
Press-on Beards
Date: 11/18/2007
Views: 9135
Keywords: Transgender, Beards, Press-on, Press-on Beards, Rednecks, Restroom, Restrooms, Public, 21 Club, Butch Up, Torture, Assault, Arrest
Night of the Punter
Date: 11/16/2007
Views: 11147
Keywords: Punter, Night, Mitt Romney, Romney, Republican, President, Candidate, Primary, Governor, Massachusetts, Night of the Hunter, Robert Mitchum, Love and Hate, Left and Right, Left, Right, Corporate, Takeover, Titanic, Struggle, Heaven, Gay
Preemptive Detentions
Date: 11/12/2007
Views: 11292
Keywords: Indian, Indians, Attacks, Raids, Corsairs, Pirate, Pirates, Barbary, Privateerism, Privateer, Torture, War, Iraq, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Dungeon, Bureau, Choctaw, Shawnee