Keyword Album: SS
Date: 12/20/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 2323 items
Here's Why Democrats Did Their Lame Pro Forma Impeachment of Trump
Date: 01/22/2020
Views: 6835
Keywords: impeachment, pro forma, Donald Trump, witnesses, subpoena, bipartisanship, consensus, ciount, tweet, twitter, social media, smart
When Bernie Met Liz, They Stopped Thinking Straight
Date: 01/20/2020
Views: 6777
Keywords: Elizabeth Warren, electability, Bernie Sanders, progressive civil war, stultophobic, stultophobia, stupid, logic, stupidity, sexism, misogny, women, 2020 presidential election
Other Countries Using Drones to Kill Our President? That'll Never Happen
Date: 01/15/2020
Views: 10336
Keywords: Weapons, war, military, predator drone, surveillance drones, terrorists, killing, assassinations, government officials, Iran, drone attack, general qasam suleimeni
The President Is Crazy. Someone Should Do Something.
Date: 01/17/2020
Views: 8642
Keywords: Crazy, inertia, in action, fear, cowardice, apathy, President Trump, insane, Congress, media, journalists, tourists
We Tenatively Oppose War on Strictly Procedural Grounds
Date: 01/13/2020
Views: 8418
Keywords: Democratic Party, Iran crisis, General Suleimani, antiwar, protest, fake, rubberstamp, Gang of Eight, Gang of 8, bureaucracy, tentatively, Congress, demonstration, march
Progressive v. Progressive Come Lately
Date: 01/06/2020
Views: 4803
We Are Choosing to Make Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Live Outside
Date: 12/30/2019
Views: 5458
In the Future Every President Will Be Impeached over Drivel
Date: 12/16/2019
Views: 5154
We Need a Hollywood President
Date: 12/11/2019
Views: 7693
Keywords: Emissions, global warming, climate change, president, Greta, temperature, earth, environment, climate crisis, economy, control, Times Square, prison, authoritarianism, benevolent, greed