Keyword Album: Soviet
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 44 items
Invasions Are Only Bad When Russia Does Them
Date: 10/14/2022
Views: 7519
Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, hypocrisy, Vladimir Putin, war, invasion, Bay of Pigs, Cuba, Iron Curtain, John F. Kennedy, JFK, Grenada, Soviet, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Panama
We Don't Know Much
Date: 04/22/2022
Views: 8136
Keywords: Afghanistan, Ukraine, foreign policy, arms, militarism, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Soviet, Assad, Syria, ISIS, Al Nusra
Your Government in Action
Date: 01/26/2022
Views: 8287
Keywords: 1950s, civil defense, Woodrow Wilson, World War I, songs to duck and cover by, Cold War, guard dog, USSR, dog, dead dog, Soviet union, gas mask, LP record, music
I Know Why They Don't Know
Date: 08/13/2021
Views: 12761
Keywords: Soviet union, USSR, Cold War, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq war, Anthony Fauci, masks, truth, mRNA vaccine, coronavirus, talking down, liberals, science, stupidity, stupid, COVID-19, deintellectualization
If Previous Presidents Reacted to Crises the Way Biden Is to the Covid Economic Crash
Date: 02/03/2021
Views: 13610
Keywords: Joe Biden, economic stimulus, coronavirus, COVID-19, economy, FDR, pearlharbor, WWII, Honolulu local police, Abraham Lincoln, senate, gridlock, succession, pisser, soviets, Soviet union, moon, moon shot, space program, space race, JFK, John F Kennedy, Tul
When Collapse Comes, Everything Closes
Date: 04/24/2020
Views: 5487
The Government That Cried Wolf
Date: 03/23/2020
Views: 11899
Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, Russians, Soviets, Cold War, fallout shelter, Vietnam war, Vietnamese, Richard Nixon, I told her, Iran, Iran hostage crisis, Iraqis, WMDs, George W. Bush, Iraq war, spring break, Florida, millennials, young people, cynicism
Anti-Bernie Sanders Attack Ads Are Going to Be Awesome
Date: 02/07/2020
Views: 10775
Keywords: Soviet nostalgia, attack ads, Soviet union, USSR, Kremlinology, Photoshop, Bernie Sanders, democratic socialist, television ads, political ads, Mayday Parade's, flags, tanks, healthcare
Memory Care for Alzheimer's is Kind of Soviet
Date: 10/11/2019
Views: 7165
Keywords: Alzheimer's, mom, mother, dementia, Soviets, dissidents, punitive psychology, insane asylums, nursing home, foreign languages, segregation, strange, patients