Keyword Album: UK
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 162 items
The American Way of Jurisprudence
Date: 04/27/2006
Views: 6728
Wrong But Consistent
Date: 04/02/2006
Views: 9475
What To Expect When You're Expecting to be Tortured
Date: 02/22/2008
Views: 13752
Keywords: Torture, Gitmo, Detainees, Guantanamo, Mukasey, Attorney General, POW, Human Rights, X-Treme, Interrogation, Tactics, Death, 1000 Cuts, The Gimp, Condi Rice, Condeleezza Rice, Anaconda, Pakistan, Training, Holding Breath
Masters of Political Oratory
Date: 07/26/2007
Views: 9269
Keywords: Oratory, Rhetoric, Speech, Speeches, Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, Rebuke, Al Qaeda, Bank, Mask, Robber, Bank Robber, Reject, Zambezi, Crocodile, Alberto Gonzales, Gonzales
Special Interests
Date: 12/18/2007
Views: 8849
Musharraf's End Game
Date: 11/08/2007
Views: 12279
Keywords: Pervez Musharraf, Musharraf, Pakistan, Saddam, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, War, Neocon, Neoconservatism, Future, Future War, Bush, President, Dictator, Footsie, Nuke, Nuclear, Technology, Set-Up
Grandfathering Integrity
Date: 11/26/2007
Views: 7271
Keywords: Mukasey, McCain, Hitler, Bush, meteor, meteors, integrity, reputation, honor, Michael Mukasey, John McCain, torture, sleaze
Foreign Policy Mysteries
Date: 10/08/2007
Views: 13199
Keywords: Iran, United States, enemy, frenemy, U.S., war, terror, terrorism, human rights, torture, women, rights, nukes, nuclear, nuclear weapons, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
Iran=Al Qaeda
Date: 04/13/2007
Views: 7082