Keyword Album: UN
Date: 01/13/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1798 items
Date: 05/24/2012
Views: 13179
Keywords: Sacramento Bee, California, Local Cartoon, state workers, unions, Governor Jerry Brown, furlough, free times, budget crisis, budget cuts, forms, workplace, economy, family
Like Obama. But White.
Date: 05/28/2012
Views: 13688
Keywords: racial politics, Mitt Romney, SuperPACs, campaign advertising, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, foreclosures, banks, banksters, unemployment, joblessness, pissed off, race relations, racism, billboard, bunker
Moving Right
Date: 05/30/2012
Views: 11632
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, ideology, right-wing, right, swing voters, GOP base, voters, elections, two-party trap, duopoly, pundits, punditry, propaganda
And Yet
Date: 05/16/2012
Views: 10989
Keywords: unemployment, joblessness, recession, depression, jobs, David Axelrod, Oval Office, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, Election Day, relaxed, lazy, inaction
Death by Skype
Date: 05/14/2012
Views: 13165
Keywords: death, Afghanistan, war on terror, soldier, Skype, Pinterest, social networking, Internet, privacy, online, cancer, LinkedIn, unemployment, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Facebook, heaven, afterlife, suicide, monetize
Fired Safety Regulators
Date: 05/04/2012
Views: 11749
Keywords: Sacramento Bee, local cartoon, injection drilling, Robert Taylor, Jerry Brown, California, Kern county, safety regulations, deregulations, Chevron, businessmen, corruption, bribery
Creative Job Destruction
Date: 05/07/2012
Views: 8412
Hope for Jobless College Grads
Date: 05/02/2012
Views: 10054
Keywords: unemployment, education, joblessness, students, college graduates, university graduates, starbucks, paradigm, student loans, collection agency, banks, Occupy movement, riot police, thesis
The Call to Arms
Date: 04/27/2012
Views: 7732
Keywords: student loans, colleges, universities, banks, barack obama, stafford student loans, crusade, 3.4%, interest rates, triangulation, small-bore issues, dick morris