Keyword Album: W
Date: 03/20/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4528 items
Welcome to Decision 2060
Date: 01/03/2020
Views: 7217
Keywords: Climate crisis, I'm a change, global warming, election, presidential horse race politics, panda tree, demographics, dead, human extinction, horse race, front runners, Nate silver, humanity, decision
The Problem with Voting Strategically Is That You Vote against Yourself
Date: 12/25/2019
Views: 6615
Remember When Military Veterans Ran on Actual Records of Accomplishment?
Date: 12/18/2019
Views: 6374
We Need a Hollywood President
Date: 12/11/2019
Views: 8212
Keywords: Emissions, global warming, climate change, president, Greta, temperature, earth, environment, climate crisis, economy, control, Times Square, prison, authoritarianism, benevolent, greed
After Roe v. Wade, a Class Divide Between Abortion Haves and Havenots
Date: 12/13/2019
Views: 5967
Keywords: abortion, abortion rights, pro-choice, yelling, Roe v. Wade, patriarchy, north, south, coasts, abortion tourism, class divide
Going for Medicare for All Proves That Radicalism Is the Only Way
Date: 12/04/2019
Views: 9074
Keywords: Public option, affordable care act, healthcare, ACA, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Medicare for all, public option, crappy insurance, revolution, incrementalism, moderation, centrism, radicalism, Democrats
The Politics of Masochism
Date: 12/06/2019
Views: 10972
Keywords: tax cuts, BDSM, masochism, hypocrisy, rural yahoos, mom, mother, school shootings, guns, NRA, global warming, SUV, cars, automobiles, autos, hell, awesome insurance, anesthesiologist, Medicare for all, Medicare-for-all, out of network
he Good News about Michael Bloomberg Is That He Won't Bug You
Date: 12/02/2019
Views: 6462
Keywords: Mike BVloomberg, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 presidential campaign, 2020 Democratic primaries, individual financing, primaries, Iowa, New Hampshire, policies, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, absentee landlord, absentee president
We Take Away Rights From Children, Never Grant New Ones
Date: 11/27/2019
Views: 6908
Keywords: prosecutors, children, child, adult, law and order, crime and punishment, driving, car, automobile, drinking, alcohol