Keyword Album: W
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4534 items
Gitmo: New and Improved
Date: 03/11/2011
Views: 13423
Keywords: human rights, gitmo, guantanamo, healthcare, obama, civil rights, waterboarding, perrier, torture, executive order, obamacare, soldiers, detainees, prisoners, mineral water, flashlight, mandate
That's What Happens
Date: 03/16/2011
Views: 11075
Keywords: Tripoli, road sign, bomb crater, libya, khaddafi, qaddafi, revolution, predator drone, middle east, cellphone, call, help, ribcage, missile, opposition fighters, iraq, war on terrorism
Union Leeches
Date: 03/04/2011
Views: 8484
Tax the Rich? Are You Kidding?
Date: 03/01/2011
Views: 8643
Keywords: wisconsin, unions, collective bargaining, golf, governor, dmv clerks, country club, wealthy people, austerity, budget cuts, state
Corrupt and Unresponsive
Date: 03/02/2011
Views: 12604
Keywords: unemployment, protests, revolutions, corruption, anger, angry, white house, obama, michelle obama, reporter, cameraman, camerawoman, tv, television, wine, riots, media
Arizona History Lesson
Date: 02/26/2011
Views: 9595
Keywords: Arizona, illegal immigration, public schools, Auschwitz, gas chambers, state laws, harassment, nuremberg laws, jews, holocaust, born, nativism, racism
The Offer
Date: 02/24/2011
Views: 9673
Keywords: EEOC, Unemployment, Joblessness, Workers, Personnel, Company, Corporations, Hiring, Human Resources, Interview, Jobs, Equal Opportunity
But It's Cold
Date: 02/16/2011
Views: 8588
Keywords: Global Warming, Environment, Climate Change, Weather, Winter, Snow, Cold, Ice, Jet Stream, Gasoline, Gas, Fire, Canada, Shortest Sentence, Science
Ronald Reagan Fun Facts
Date: 02/14/2011
Views: 10659
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, Fun Facts, Birthday, Anniversary, Small Government, Republicanism, Conservatism, Fetishism, Tea Party, Khadafi, crypt, Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Reagan Mask, AIDS, HIV, Racism, Aw-Shucks Grin, Bonzo, Clownface