Keyword Album: Wall
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 169 items
Date: 11/23/2019
Views: 10444
e Need a Wall to Protect the Troops We Need Because There's Not a Wall
Date: 02/18/2019
Views: 7013
Imagine a Democratic President Who Fought As Hard for the Left As Trump Does For the Right
Date: 01/14/2019
Views: 11591
Keywords: Democrats, public option, Obamacare, progressive, rapists, minimum wage, scapegoats, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Trump, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, losers, rape, bankster, Democratic Party, wall, government shutdown, border
If Other Nations Mourned Like the U.S.
Date: 09/19/2018
Views: 11145
Keywords: Vietnam War, Iraq War, 9/11, terrorism, mourning, war, militarism, Vietnam War Memorial Wall, bombing, ceremony, memorial, Baghdad, Putin, Russia, Soviet Union, World War II, relativism
In an Alternative Universe, There Is a Trump Who Cares About Us, and We Care About Things That Matter
Date: 04/20/2018
Views: 14277
Keywords: Impeachment, Donald Trump, media, journalism, Robert Mueller, FBI, political police, CIA, Mexico, border wall, illegal immigrants, communist revolution, income disparity, Russia investigation, climate change, retirement crisis, student loans, evidence, lo
Space Force!
Date: 03/19/2018
Views: 8721
Keywords: Space force militarization, militarism, Donald Trump, space wall, green women, Star Trek, guardians of the galaxy, aliens, space aliens, science fiction, harsh reality, promise, military recruitment
Subcomandante El Schumer
Date: 01/29/2018
Views: 6726
Keywords: Chuck Schumer, Democrats, sell out, immigration, border wall, dictator, Mexico, jujitsu, subcomandante, DACA, dreamers
If You Want To Defeat Trump, You Have To Out-Troll Him
Date: 01/24/2018
Views: 8113
Date: 05/04/2016
Views: 9757
Keywords: Donald Trump. Forbes, Cartoon of the Day, Mexico, wall, immigration, great wall of trump, restaurant, tequila, holidays, Mexicans, illegal immigration, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, fifth of May