Keyword Album: ads
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 61 items
Date: 09/04/2020
Views: 4627
Keywords:, Census bureau, budget cuts, post office, United States Postal Service, people of color, right Drive, Department of transportation, DOT, roads, road closure, shut down
The Commie Hell of Godless Bidenism
Date: 09/18/2020
Views: 5881
Keywords: Bidenism, public option, Big Joe, watching you, campaign ads, Orwell, 1984, Nancy Pelosi, dog-faced, pony soldiers, AARP
Good Thing the Nominee Isn't a Socialist
Date: 08/26/2020
Views: 5371
Trump's Brilliant Plan
Date: 07/31/2020
Views: 8455
Keywords: Fascism, executive immunity, pardon, Mike Pence, business corruption, New York, cancel election, polls, contingency plan, federal gun squads, Portland, COVID-19, coronavirus
Signs of Impending Doom
Date: 03/02/2020
Views: 6329
Keywords: apocalypse, Bernie Sanders, centrism, centrists, moderates, pundits, February, global warming, climate change, toads, biblical
A New Plan for Mike Bloomberg: Stay inside
Date: 02/24/2020
Views: 4060
Anti-Bernie Sanders Attack Ads Are Going to Be Awesome
Date: 02/07/2020
Views: 10781
Keywords: Soviet nostalgia, attack ads, Soviet union, USSR, Kremlinology, Photoshop, Bernie Sanders, democratic socialist, television ads, political ads, Mayday Parade's, flags, tanks, healthcare
Date: 03/01/2018
Views: 7047
Keywords: Israel, sputnik news, Donald Trump, coin, currency, coinage, Jerusalem, capital, king Cyrus the great of Persia, tuckus, head, heads or tails
God Forbid a Democrat Should Have Any Balls
Date: 09/23/2019
Views: 5304
Keywords: Beto O'Rourke, gun control, AR-15, ban, confiscate, AK-47, cat, liberal goons, attack ads, heresy, Bernie Sanders, American flag, trend