Keyword Album: ads
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 61 items
Hate-Based Consumer Preferences
Date: 09/08/2011
Views: 12408
Keywords: sushi, Japan, cars, Germany, Vietnam, noodles, future buying trends, consumerism, capitalism, food, iads, advertising, Kandahar-style cave architectur, personal drone planes, burqas, dating
Date: 01/11/2011
Views: 13393
Keywords: Football, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Foosball, Bars, Traffic, iPad, NFL, Sports, Jerseys, Photoshop, Meatheads, Court, Lindsay Lohan, San Diego Chargers, San Diego
The Big Concern
Date: 05/05/2010
Views: 8778
Fashions for the New Depression
Date: 11/16/2009
Views: 12123
Keywords: Fashions, Clothes, Wardrobes, Balloon Skirts, Great Depression, Recession, Economy, Five-Finger Discount, Beige Make-Up, Pallor, Casket, Ponzi Scheme, Homelessness, Poverty, Unemployment, Shoulder Pads, Skinny Ties, Suicide
Pitching the New New World
Date: 09/05/2009
Views: 18325
Keywords: Christopher Columbus, New World, Exploration, Internet, Twitter, PayPal, Spice Trade, Spain, Queen Isabella, Online Funding, T-Shirts, Banner Ads, Mojito, Cuba, Fuddy Duddy
Home Sweet Ecosystem
Date: 05/06/1995
Views: 8398
Heroes of the Afghan War
Date: 03/06/2009
Views: 21160
Keywords: War, Veterans, Soldiers, Afghanistan, Afghan, CIA, Hellfire Missiles, Predator Drone Planes, IMac, Langley, Wedding Parties, Bombs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Beer Cans, Computers, Technology, Warfare, Victory, Towelheads, Evildoers
The Mystery of Faith
Date: 05/14/1998
Views: 8417
The Guy with the Best Cellphone Plan Wins
Date: 09/03/1999
Views: 5801