Keyword Album: airport
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 48 items
Basic Economy
Date: 12/27/2017
Views: 8192
Keywords: airlines, steerage, basic economy, group, class, carryon luggage, baggage, seat, reserved, airport, flight attendant, flying
This is What Self-Deportation Looks Like
Date: 09/08/2017
Views: 9353
Keywords: Spanish, loco, Honduras, DREAM Act, DREAMers, border control, translation, English, DACA, Donald Trump, immigration, airport, job, wifi, Uber, embassy
Checks and Balances Will Protect You Against Trump
Date: 01/30/2017
Views: 9637
Keywords: checks and balances, Trump, airport, ICE, immigration, refugees, Muslim travel ban, executive orders, Supreme Court, appeals, traveler, human rights, visa, constititionality, historians, lawsuit
No Fly/No Gun
Date: 06/27/2016
Views: 12085
Keywords: do not fly list, Democrats, Occupy House, gun control, guns, suffix, name, TSA, Transportation Safety Administration, airport security, gun rights, NRA, Second Amendment rights, Ted Kennedy, Cat Stevens, weapons, explosives, terrorist watch list
Muslim Border Test
Date: 05/18/2016
Views: 6170
The Muscle in Brussels
Date: 03/28/2016
Views: 8977
Keywords: Brussels airport attacks, ISIS, Islamic State, terrorism, terrorists, security, airports, airport security, paranoia, TSA, checkpoints, Luxembourg. Belgium
HomeSec, We Hardly Knew Ye
Date: 03/02/2015
Views: 7589
Keywords: Homeland Security, Congress, spending, furlough, airport, security, liquids, shoes, bomber, waiting area, TSA
TSA Screeners
Date: 12/25/2014
Views: 10117
Armpits Must Be Dry
Date: 10/18/2014
Views: 6053