Keyword Album: defense
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 71 items
Fiscal Hypochondria
Date: 12/21/1995
Views: 12249
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, Deficits, Militarism, Defense Spending, Banknotes, Balanced Budget, Bill Clinton, Education, Environment, Third-World Country, Great Credit
Keep Your Filthy Stimulus Money
Date: 04/11/2009
Views: 14855
Keywords: Stimulus Bill, Federal Spending, Morrie Ronoff, Governors, Republicans, Barack Obama, Flyoverstan, Air Traffic Control, Gators, Bowie Knives, Osama bin Laden, Defense, Penatagon, Airplanes
Bob Dole on the Issues
Date: 09/12/1996
Views: 12490
Keywords: Bob Dole, issues, Defense, Welfare Reform, World War II, Heroism, Veterans, Education, Immigraton, Taxes, Po Valley, Nazi Sniper
Democracy by Monopoly
Date: 06/29/1996
Views: 18310
Keywords: nafta, bill clintion, working people, free trade, two-party system, higher taxes, government waste, strong defense, republicans, democrats, fewer choices, voter turnout
Paula Jones vs. Bill Clinton
Date: 06/02/1997
Views: 15045
Keywords: paula jones, sex scandal, lawsuit, bill clinton, bloody dildo, al gore, witness, o.j. simpson, rhyming defense, bvds, underwear, butt grabber
Ready for Them
Date: 01/20/1997
Views: 11586
Lameass Ethical Dilemmas
Date: 08/27/1999
Views: 5396
The War on Recession
Date: 02/03/2002
Views: 7178
Canyon of Heroes
Date: 12/02/2002
Views: 10342
Keywords: 9/11, pentagon, world trade center, united flight 93, flight 11, homeland security, bush, defense contractors, airlines, unions, eli lilly, autism, recession, tax cuts