Keyword Album: ego
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 51 items
If I Told You, I'd Have To Piss You Off
Date: 11/08/2011
Views: 8442
Keywords: USA-Patriot Act, Ron Wyden, Oregon, Democrats, Senate, Mark Udall, Drone Planes, Fear, Government Secrecy, Opposite, Protesters
Date: 09/19/2011
Views: 11355
Keywords: Naming Bills, Legislation, Congress, Marketing, Advertising, Titles, Florists, Begonias, 1-800-FLOWERS, FTD, Pandering, USA Patriot Act, America Jobs Act, Economy, Terrorism, Jobs, Unemployment
There's Got To Be One
Date: 07/25/2011
Views: 9161
The Democrats: Master Negotiators
Date: 07/20/2011
Views: 8334
Date: 03/29/2011
Views: 11439
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Highland Pony, Shetland Pony, Legos, Pony, Repubicans, California State Legislature, Jerry Brown, Demands, List, Budget Crisis, Negotiations
Date: 01/11/2011
Views: 14305
Keywords: Football, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Foosball, Bars, Traffic, iPad, NFL, Sports, Jerseys, Photoshop, Meatheads, Court, Lindsay Lohan, San Diego Chargers, San Diego
The Roommate From Hell
Date: 12/08/2010
Views: 10120
Keywords: Class Warfare, Wild Party, Roommate, Rudeness, Trashed, Damage, Economic Crisis, Austerity, Budget Cuts, Allegory, Metaphor, Revolution, Anger, Populism
Bye Bye Poor People
Date: 09/13/1995
Views: 13586
Keywords: Poverty, Poor Disappear, Guilt, Lazy Poor Scum, Slums, Razed, Prisons, Food Stamps, Social Divisions, Class Warfare, Gas Station, Scapegoat, Lower Middle Class
Reforming the Torture Industry
Date: 04/02/2009
Views: 23351
Keywords: Torture, GM, General Motors, Barack Obama, Chairman, Corporations, Bailouts, Depression, Recession, Economy, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Diego Garcia, Uzbekistan, Foreign Competition, Free Trade, Globalization, Waterboarding, Gitmo, International Asso