Keyword Album: film
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 56 items
The First Rule of Fight Nation
Date: 06/29/2012
Views: 14743
Keywords: Drone planes, drone attacks, snuff films, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, screening room, movies, classified, secrecy, Congress, media, transparency, hellfire missiles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, global war on terror, top secret
15 People
Date: 06/06/2012
Views: 9266
Keywords: Andy Warhol, digital revolution, computers, online, fame, famous, 15 people, pop culture, Beatles, music, film, TV, television, mass culture
Rashomon: The UC Davis Cut
Date: 04/12/2012
Views: 9909
Keywords: Rashomon, film, movies, Occupy movement, report, pepper spray, University of California, police brutality, UC Davis, cops, victims
Rocky 2
Date: 08/06/2011
Views: 9266
Keywords: Obama, debt ceiling, white house, rocky, sylvester stallone, movie, film, heart, bedroom, michelle obama, spouse, democrats, surrender, mascara, phony
Film Marketing
Date: 01/06/2010
Views: 15193
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, City Council, Film Commission, Afghanistan, Tribal Areas, American Soldier, San Francisco, Smug, Washington DC, Alaska, Obvious, Advertising, Matchbooks, Las Vegas, Gambling
After Arnold
Date: 04/19/2010
Views: 12389
Movie Drought
Date: 12/02/2009
Views: 11580
View-Master: The Movie
Date: 09/11/2010
Views: 5659
Roman Polanski to the Rescue
Date: 10/01/2009
Views: 10597
Keywords: Date Rape, Crime and Punishment, Child Molestation, Sex, Rape, Statutory Rape, Film Director, Artistes, Class Warfare, Movies, Hollywood, Prison, Mickey, Academy Award-Winning