Keyword Album: he
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 1794 items
Before I Knew My Mom Had Alzheimer's, Her Weirdness Drove Me Crazy
Date: 08/23/2019
Views: 9545
Keywords: Alzheimer's, dementia, mother, mom, patience, kindness, patient, kind, voicemails, cell phone, impatient, Diane, depression, short term memory loss, diagnosis, aging, complaining, loneliness, alone
My Mother Was Absolutely Certain She Would Not Succumb to Alzheimer's
Date: 08/17/2019
Views: 5969
Keywords: financial planning, mom, mother, dementia, Alzheimer's, old age, raining, annuity, retirement, will, movie, senility
Can We Blame Moderate Politics for the Next Mass Shooting?
Date: 08/12/2019
Views: 10385
Keywords: Media, liberals, journalism, punditry, conservatives, Bernie Sanders, freak, Dayton, El Paso, mass shootings, Rachel Maddow, Fox News, MSNBC, 8Chan, manifesto, moderate, centrist, swing voter, bipolar, boring, Miami Dophins, wacko
Damn Bernie Sanders Has Had It, Goddammit
Date: 08/05/2019
Views: 6188
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, healthcare, affordable care act, Obama care, 2020 presidential campaign, wife, damn, dammit, cursing, car, grouchy
The Leap of Faith Taken by Alzheimer's Caregivers
Date: 08/02/2019
Views: 5243
The Day the Earthlings' Brains Stood Still
Date: 07/17/2019
Views: 8733
Keywords: sports, bar, Klaatu, Day the Earth Stood Still, human extinction, report, UFOs, aliens, blockbuster, breaking news, Stranger Things, stupidity
Medicare for All? That's Not Nearly Enough
Date: 07/19/2019
Views: 7677
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, Alzheimerâs, mom, mother, dementia, aging, Medicare, Medicaid, nursing home, pay down provision, teacher, hip surgery
Republicans Have To Cheat in Order To Remain a Viable Party
Date: 07/15/2019
Views: 6111
Alzheimer's Patients Struggle with Societal Contempt
Date: 07/12/2019
Views: 6536
Keywords: Alzheimerâs, dementia, mother, elderly, . aging, contempt, night clothes, Krogerâs, soiled, doctors, shame, ashamed