Keyword Album: he
Date: 12/19/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1782 items
Left-Wing Hoaxers Are the Only Reason the Awesome Trump Administration Looks Bad
Date: 02/26/2019
Views: 8320
Keywords: hoax, Jussie Smollett, Empire, hate crime, hoaxers, Fox News, FOXNews, child separation policy, illegal immigration, ICE, Martin Sheen, actors, Democrats, techies, hacked, WTF, capitalism
Vote Centrist to Keep Things Exactly as Awful as They Are
Date: 02/15/2019
Views: 8941
Keywords: Nazis, Nazism, alternative history, fundamental assumptions, moderation, centrism, slave laborers, meals, identity politics, woman, fuhrer, death camps, ideology, candor, meet the press, chuck todd
If the CIA Had Been Right, They Would Have Told Bush That Invading Afghanistan Would Cost $13 Trillion and Another Defeat
Date: 02/06/2019
Views: 9186
Keywords: George Tenet, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, CIA, Afghanistan, cost of war, debts, student loans, credit cards, mortgages, militarism, military, Al Qaeda, Pakistan, Situation Room, Osama bin Laden
Internet Security Is So Good It's Even Safe From You
Date: 01/30/2019
Views: 5854
Standard Responses to Most Censorship
Date: 01/23/2019
Views: 6146
Donald Trump's Supporters Are the Zen Masters We've Been Looking For
Date: 01/25/2019
Views: 10429
Keywords: weather, smartphone, iphone, technology, traffic, driving, highway, SSP, LIE, siri, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Supreme Court, SCOTUS, 401(k), stock market, Trump, retirement, climate change, global warming, suicide, teach me
How Do the Other 22% Live?
Date: 01/16/2019
Views: 5071
A New Media Glossary
Date: 12/28/2018
Views: 5784
Labor Shortage! Time for Workers to Screw Their Bosses the Way They've Screwed Them for Decades
Date: 12/21/2018
Views: 6110