Keyword Album: he
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1782 items
Date: 08/14/2013
Views: 13679
Keywords: Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, Rome, lead pipes, Edward Gibbon, Romans, Forum, history, collapse, Genghis Khan, Mongols, inheritance, Napoleon, Elbe, Waterloo, France, Interstate 83, I-83, traffic, war, militarism, austerity, civil engineering, p
Know Your Level
Date: 08/02/2013
Views: 12267
Keywords: PFC Bradley Manning, Iraqi civilians, WikiLeaks, Jullian Assangem, heroism, traitor, treason, Adolf Hitler, Paris, heirarchy, militarism, justice, privacy, torture, transparency, World War II, leaks
Helpful Assistants
Date: 08/01/2013
Views: 14423
Keywords: Jerry Sandusky, Penn State scandal, pedophilia, sex crimes, rape, abuse, sexual abuse, Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, King Henry II, Thomas Becket, Rosemary Woods, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Gary Schulz, Kimberly Belcher, perverts, pervs, Iran-Con
Sybil Obama
Date: 07/29/2013
Views: 9073
Keywords: Sybil, split personality, schizophrenia, Obama, drones, speeches, immigration reform, deportations, banksters, bailouts, banks
National Sophistry Agency
Date: 07/26/2013
Views: 8191
Keywords: NSA, National Security Agency, PRISM program, spying, domestic surveillance, espionage, privacy rights, Congressional hearing, worry, wrong, paranoia
Hope and ______
Date: 07/25/2013
Views: 12425
Keywords: Obama, hope, change, speech, speeches, drone attacks, Gitmo, Guantanamo, national conversation, privacy, NSA, National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, Trayvon Martin, blaks, racism, race relations, winner-take-all economy, inequality, class divide, incom
Feminism Marches On
Date: 07/12/2013
Views: 8421
Keywords: Susan Rice, Obama, Egypt, military coup d'etat, CIA, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, feminism, beer pong, infidel ingenue, sexism, national security advisor
Stepford Council
Date: 07/09/2013
Views: 9047
Date: 06/26/2013
Views: 13524
Keywords: Russia, China, Ecuador, NSA, national security agency, Meet the Press, David Gregory, NBC news, MSNBC, Edward Snowden, socialism, socialist, libertarianism, Libertarians, America first, Pat Buchanan, journalism, ideology, ideological diversity, energy, an