Keyword Album: hop
Date: 03/15/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 92 items
Burn It Down
Date: 06/08/2012
Views: 7737
Keywords: 2012 presidential campaign, economy, recession, Obama, Romney, out of business, shop, store, retail, shoes, bastard
Date: 01/10/2012
Views: 14932
Keywords: Governor Jerry Brown, California, Budget Crisis, November, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Malaysia, Kindle Fire, Becky Dodge Challenger, Sweatshops, Fiscal Crisis, Healthcare Costs, Casket, Coffin, Aspirin, Cry
Date: 08/17/2011
Views: 8071
Keywords: Obama, Hope, Change, Economy, Depression, Recession, posters, Shephard Fairey, Propaganda, Hopelessness, Poverty
Three More Wars
Date: 07/08/2011
Views: 9134
Keywords: somalia, obama, yemen, libya, war on terror, middle east, mogadishu, black hawk, helicopter, marines, usmc, hope and change
The Adventures of Tom Friedman, Boy Reporter
Date: 06/13/2011
Views: 9728
Keywords: middle east, columnist, op/ed, opinion writing, punditry, arab, palestine, thomas l. friedman, boy reporter, gift shop, mubarak, taxi driver, massage, masseur, four seasons, istanbul, luggage, tunis
Date: 05/25/2011
Views: 6983
Keywords: coffee, pasadena weekly, altadena, muffins, local cartoon, la county inspectors, coffee shop, mural, artwork, fines, dadism
Date: 01/11/2011
Views: 14147
Keywords: Football, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Foosball, Bars, Traffic, iPad, NFL, Sports, Jerseys, Photoshop, Meatheads, Court, Lindsay Lohan, San Diego Chargers, San Diego
Date: 03/09/2011
Views: 6540
Date: 01/29/2010
Views: 11609
Keywords: CalState, UC, University of California, Budget Cuts, Port-au-Prince, Outsourcing, Sew, Sweathshop, Underwear Bomber, Terrorism, Physics, Explosives