Keyword Album: ill
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1190 items
Date: 08/13/2019
Views: 8463
Keywords: Sputnik News, Endangered Species Act, deregulation, Trump, James Bond, villain, 2050, extinction, planet, earth, humans, sharks
Date: 09/04/2019
Views: 10138
Keywords: birthright citizenship, Ivanka Trump, illegal immigration, Honduras, migrants, deportations, ICE, taxes, sins of the father, crime and punishment, WhoWhatWhy
Date: 11/13/2019
Views: 8837
Keywords:, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire, wealth, Mike Bloomberg, New York City, out of touch, cluelessness, bubble, 2020 presidential campaign
Date: 12/20/2019
Views: 29962
Date: 07/18/2019
Views: 8737
You Shall Know a System by its Enemies
Date: 02/03/2020
Views: 7156
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, system, 2020 presidential election, search, Paul, Medicare for all, Doctor, billionaires, billionaire, free college, for-profit colleges, madman, $15 an hour minimum wage
Why Centrist Democrats Can't Get to Bernie Sanders
Date: 01/28/2020
Views: 10244
Keywords: Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy, Spock, centrist Democrats, Bernie Sanders, cheat, progressives, Washington Post, Hillary Clinton, polls, Los Angeles Times, LA Times, L.A. Times, endorsements, Obama, fugly, South Carolina, counterintuitive
Other Countries Using Drones to Kill Our President? That'll Never Happen
Date: 01/15/2020
Views: 10322
Keywords: Weapons, war, military, predator drone, surveillance drones, terrorists, killing, assassinations, government officials, Iran, drone attack, general qasam suleimeni
The Siren Song of Progressive Politics
Date: 11/25/2019
Views: 7436
Keywords: Democratic party, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, siren song, centrism, moderation, modernism, progressivism, investment banks, bankers