Keyword Album: m
Date: 01/16/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6258 items
Facebook IPO
Date: 05/23/2012
Views: 11966
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Facebook, IPO, Silicon Valley, California, tax revenues, initial public offering, budget crisis, deficit, Governor Jerry Brown, Sacramento
Who's Your Bully?
Date: 05/23/2012
Views: 9899
Keywords: White House situation room, drone planes, 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney, bullying, hazing, Iran, sanctions, Burma, Myamnar, Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe, militarism
Don't Ask, Don't Fire
Date: 05/20/2012
Views: 6241
Retroactive Courage
Date: 05/18/2012
Views: 8660
Keywords: gay rights, gay marriage, 2012 presidential campaign, Obama, fire, courage, propaganda, baby, fags, homophobia, spin, house fire
Budget Gap Times Two
Date: 05/15/2012
Views: 14472
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local cartoon, California, budget gap, deficits, Jerry Brown, Lotto, office pool, Honda, San Francisco mint, robbery, gay weddings, taxes, revenues, homophobia, commercials
And Yet
Date: 05/16/2012
Views: 11019
Keywords: unemployment, joblessness, recession, depression, jobs, David Axelrod, Oval Office, Barack Obama, 2012 presidential campaign, Election Day, relaxed, lazy, inaction
Death by Skype
Date: 05/14/2012
Views: 13199
Keywords: death, Afghanistan, war on terror, soldier, Skype, Pinterest, social networking, Internet, privacy, online, cancer, LinkedIn, unemployment, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Facebook, heaven, afterlife, suicide, monetize
The Decider
Date: 05/11/2012
Views: 12385
Keywords: evolving, Barack Obama. Osama bin Laden, decisiveness, presidency, George W. Bush. golf, drone planes, missiles, assassinations, war on terror, TARP, bank bailouts, gay rights, gay marriage, deep breath
Chief Beck Makes Excuses
Date: 05/08/2012
Views: 11921
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, LAPD, police, shootings, Chief Charlie Beck, police commission, werewolf, car, monster, committee, investigation, police brutality