Keyword Album: m
Date: 01/16/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6258 items
Date: 04/13/2011
Views: 10434
Keywords: foreclosures, economy, revolution, people's trials, bankers, make home affordable, paperwork, bank of america, chase bank, oops, lost, foreclosed, homeowners, card table
Still Making Excuses
Date: 04/08/2011
Views: 9715
Keywords: obama, bush, apologists, excuses, reelection, unemployment, 2012 presidential campaign, idiot, inherit, mayhem, homelessness
We're Looking at a Few Good Men
Date: 04/04/2011
Views: 8953
Keywords: bradley manning, wikileaks, human rights violations, quantico naval brig, marines, nude, nudity, abu ghraib, homophobia, don't ask don't tell, dadt, looking at a few good men
Decision 2012: Jobs
Date: 04/06/2011
Views: 15050
Keywords: mitt romney, barack obama, 2012 presidential election, economy, jobs, main issue, recession, unemployment, joblessness, depression, gop, democrats, republicans, credible, trickle-down economics, supplyside economics, tax cuts, invest
Foreign Policy
Date: 04/01/2011
Views: 6724
Keywords: dictators, obama, revolution, foreign policy, middle east, ethics, values, strategic interests, constitution, enemy, good
Put It On My Tab
Date: 03/28/2011
Views: 9688
Keywords: Trade Deficit, Japan, National Debt, Earthquake, Tsunami, Charity, Donations, Obama, United States, Tab, Bank of Japan, Broke
Moojs Redux
Date: 03/30/2011
Views: 13499
Keywords: Afghanistan, Libya, Benghazi, Islamists, Islamism, Extremists, Al Qaeda, Muslims, Go Wrong, Taliban, Radicalization, Civil War, 1980s music, '80s music, Allahu Akbar, Mujahiedeen, Socialism, Unintended Consequences, War on Terror
Asleep at the Switch
Date: 03/25/2011
Views: 10193
Keywords: Reagan Airport, National Airport, Air Traffic Controllers, Budget Cuts, Shortstaffing, Austerity, Norad, Missile Launch, Paper Tiger, Nuclear War, Asleep, Incompetence, Missiles
Time to Start Planning Ahead
Date: 03/23/2011
Views: 9703
Keywords: libya, qaddafi, neocons, neoconservatives, militarism, khaddafi, kadafi, red cross, medevac, soldiers, afghanistan, iraq, planning ahead, quagmires