Keyword Album: memo
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 66 items
Date: 06/06/2019
Views: 3779
Keywords: Sputnik News, Trump, rally, Fourth of July, July 4th, Independence Day, National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, politics, Democrats, diospleased
What Kind of Maniacs Would Use Nuclear Weapons?
Date: 03/30/2022
Views: 11036
Keywords: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, peace Memorial, Japan, World War II, Russia, Ukraine, nuclear weapons, atomic bomb, church, tourists, paranoia, hypocrisy
Americans Don't Care About Foreigners Yet They Care About Us
Date: 11/06/2020
Views: 11082
Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, exceptionalism, . selfishness, foreigners, planet, Paris, France, superspreaders, Vietnam War Memorial Wall
Date: 06/06/2019
Views: 7025
Keywords: Sputnik News, Trump, rally, Fourth of July, July 4th, Independence Day, National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, politics, Democrats, diospleased
Before I Knew My Mom Had Alzheimer's, Her Weirdness Drove Me Crazy
Date: 08/23/2019
Views: 9658
Keywords: Alzheimer's, dementia, mother, mom, patience, kindness, patient, kind, voicemails, cell phone, impatient, Diane, depression, short term memory loss, diagnosis, aging, complaining, loneliness, alone
Date: 06/26/2019
Views: 5593
Keywords: Alzheimer's, mother, dementia, home care, tea kettle, whistle, reality, rooted, mom, Trump, Memory care, call, zombie
My Mother Is Dead But Her Body Is Still Alive
Date: 07/05/2019
Views: 5948
Keywords: Alzheimer's, mother, dementia, home care, tea kettle, whistle, reality, rooted, mom, Trump, Memory care, call, zombie
I Get That My Mom Has Alzheimer's But I Just Can't
Date: 06/28/2019
Views: 5996
Keywords: Alzheimerâs, mother, mom, aging, elderly, dementia, France, pear tree, house, river, steel trap, memory
The Healthcare System is Demented
Date: 06/14/2019
Views: 8971
Keywords: Dementia, Alzheimer's, 18, elderly, nursing home, Medicare, Medicaid, rehab, euphemisms, jargon, assisted living, palliative care, memory care, insurance, healthcare, luxury hotel, old, private pay