Keyword Album: p
Date: 01/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5946 items
The Coffee Stirrer is the Ultimate American Thing
Date: 03/15/2018
Views: 7969
Keywords: environment, planet, ocean, waste, trash, ecology, garbage, plastic, straws, coffee stirrers, starbucks, ecocide, sierra club
What's Better? A Right-Wing Congresswoman or a Left-Wing Congressman?
Date: 03/12/2018
Views: 12638
Keywords: Congress, troops, militarism, drones, symbolism, identity politics, authorization to use military force, women, females, sexism, minimum wage, labor management relations, system, class issue, Azerbaijan, Ghana, paid family leave, work, Congresswomen
In America, Only a Madman Tries to Make Peace
Date: 03/09/2018
Views: 7498
Keywords: Diplomacy, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Clinton foundation, North Korea, Donald Trump, meeting, money, Goldman Sachs, cash, counting, madman
The Plot To Fatten America Into Submission
Date: 03/07/2018
Views: 8738
Keywords: fat, militarism, overweight, obese, obesity, chinese meny, column, chubby, france, isis, muslims, islamists, fatten, occupy, invade
Your Boss Is Conspiring With Your Would-Be Future Boss To Keep You From Ever Getting a Raise
Date: 03/05/2018
Views: 8749
Keywords: labor management relations, supply and demand, economics, economy, labor shortage, monopsony, monopoly, conspiracy, corporations, noncompete clauses, no-poaching clauses, apple, tech, microsoft
Another Reason Your Cellphone Service Sucks
Date: 03/01/2018
Views: 5622
Keywords: SpaceX, Vodaphone, moon, cell phones, cellphones, phone, reception, 4G, cellular, Maine, space, tech, technology
Russian Bots Exploit Long-Neglected Problems and Divisions. Let's Attack the Bot, Not the Problems!
Date: 02/23/2018
Views: 10818
Keywords: Russia, bots, 2016 presidential election, Russiagate, gun violence, Parkland, corruption, police brutality, income inequality, racism, sexism, party politics
No Country Has Interefered with Other Countries' Elections More Than the US. Why Should Anyone Listen to Our Complaints About Russia?
Date: 02/26/2018
Views: 8432
Keywords: election, Russiagate, Russia, 2016 presidential election, hypocrisy, regime change, iraq, afghanistan, army checkpoint, occupation, drones
Japan Is Building Conversation Robots for the Elderly. What Would Robots for Old Americans Look Like?
Date: 02/28/2018
Views: 10919
Keywords: tech, technology, robotics, Japan, Japanese, aging, elderly, old, Social Security, bureaucracy, government worker, old timer, scam, reverse mortgage, line closed, humanoid, cyborg, robot, relative, young, generational