Keyword Album: p
Date: 01/10/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5943 items
No Protection
Date: 09/10/2014
Views: 8602
Keywords: militarism, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Iraq, war, Obama, protection, Canada, Burger King, Tim Horton's, propaganda, warmongering, tourists, beach
ISIS Plans Ahead
Date: 09/09/2014
Views: 8055
Keywords: ISIS, foreign policy, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, radical Islamists, RPG, anti-aircraft gun, CIA, Gulf states, weapons, surface to air missiles, SAM
The Cashless Society is Here
Date: 09/05/2014
Views: 8710
Keywords: cash, money, LaGuardia airport, currency, cashless society, banking, finance, Edward Snowden, passport, drones, dystopia, Orwellian
The End of Racism
Date: 09/04/2014
Views: 8446
Keywords: racism, gays, lesbians, LGBT, homophobia, UPS, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Ferguson, prowler, queer, Aunt Becky, Brad Pitt, Obama, race, friendship, race relations
Bombs? Or More Bombs?
Date: 09/03/2014
Views: 9543
Keywords: ISIS, Islamic State, Syria, Iraq, war on terror, militarism, media, press, crisis, drones, assassinatons, bombings, ground troops
The 7% Solution
Date: 08/29/2014
Views: 11427
Keywords: Ferguson, New York Times, Missouri, voter registration, Democratic Party, liberalism, protests, blacks, racism, African-Americans, voting, voter turnout, police brutality, Michael Brown
Operation Slog
Date: 08/31/2014
Views: 6694
Keywords: Uber, taxis, Lyft, automobiles, start-up, Internet, Daily Dot, The Kernel, freelance cartoon, gun, bullet
Date: 08/26/2014
Views: 11752
Keywords: political corrupton, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Los Angeles public schools, John Deasy, superintendent, iDeasy, Steve Jobs, Apple Inc., computers, Robocop, Paul Verhoeven, directive 4, cyborg, robot
Changing the Man in Charge Doesn't Change the System
Date: 08/27/2014
Views: 10391
Keywords: privilege, class, police violence, police brutality, Obama, stop and frisk, Ferguson, Missouri, race riots, racism, law and order, cops, pockets. I.D., system, reform, revolution