Keyword Album: pove
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 199 items
Date: 02/07/2013
Views: 11213
Keywords: Football, war, injuries, sports, athletics, sexism, combat troops, female combat troops, Afghanistan, Iraq, war on terror, militarism, poverty, class war, Pakistan, drone strikes
Third Term
Date: 01/16/2013
Views: 14905
Keywords: Liberalism, progressives, 2012 presidential campaign, third term, Pres. Barack Obama, Bush tax cuts, homophobia, Chuck Hagel, Jacob Lew, homelessness, poverty, sellout, compromise, moderation, drone war, CEOs, corporations, WPA, jobs project, patriot act
Gaseous Vengeance
Date: 01/14/2013
Views: 8804
Keywords: Biofuels, petroleum, gas, oil, McDonald's, Guatemala, Third World, poverty, food prices, land shortages, energy policy, gasoline, revenge, fart, babies, gas station
Bestiary of the American Class System
Date: 01/05/2013
Views: 11013
Keywords: Class warfare, middle-class, fiscal cliff negotiations, bipartisanship, class system, bestiary, income, taxation, taxes, middle-classy, homelessness, poverty, homeless, office worker, one per centers, limousine
Austerity Made Simple
Date: 01/02/2013
Views: 10697
Keywords: Austerity, Angela Merkel, homelessness, CEO, class warfare, recession, depression, economy, unemployment, poverty, underemployment, dinner, meal, waiter
Chained CPI
Date: 12/11/2012
Views: 13361
Keywords: Chained CPI, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index, inflation, government statistics, Social Security, burgers, steal, beer, alcohol, Harvard, college tuition, militarism, war, housing prices, homelessness, poverty, economy, capitalism, collaps
Drinking Games for Recovering Alcoholics
Date: 10/22/2012
Views: 9048
Keywords: poverty, Obama, Romney, presidential debates, drinking games, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, human rights, foreclosures, 2012 presidential race, duopoly
Sacramento's War on Poverty
Date: 09/21/2012
Views: 12321
Keywords: homelessness, poverty, bums, American River Parkway, Sacramento Bee, local cartoon, evictions, police, capitalism, burghers, housing, tents
Jared Diamond, Call Your Office
Date: 08/06/2012
Views: 9692
Keywords: Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, racism, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, occupation, blockade, trade embargo, income, poverty, human rights, Republicans, poor