Keyword Album: scandal
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 89 items
Clinton Chick Credibility Chart
Date: 03/23/1998
Views: 12906
Keywords: kathleen willey, monica lewinsky, gennifer flowers, sex scandals, bill clinton, paula jones, arkansas, yuppie, generational conflict, baby boomers, generation x
Feminists for Impeachment
Date: 03/21/1998
Views: 11062
White House as Slums
Date: 02/06/1998
Views: 9892
Meet the Clinton Conspirators
Date: 02/04/1998
Views: 11905
Keywords: bill clinton, oral sex, monica lewinsky scandal, right-wing conspiracy, robert reich, rush limbaugh, interns, alan greenspan, skirts, mossad, conspiracies, secret service
Another Trite But Effective Adolf Hitler Analogy Cartoon
Date: 12/07/1998
Views: 16134
Keywords: garfield, lasagna, comic strips, adolf hitler, cartoons, holocaust, polls, economy, impeachment, people's business, \bill clinton, monica lewsinky scandal, tamerlane, russia, jah
Back to Business
Date: 12/31/1998
Views: 13018
Clinton Punishment Alternatives
Date: 12/03/1998
Views: 14933
Keywords: bill clinton, monica lewinsky scandal, impeachment, sanction, short sheets, pranks, basic cable television, jeff greenfield, premium channels, playboy channel, god is dead, norman mailer, pretentiousness, literature, ken starr, populism
Democrats in Space
Date: 12/28/1998
Views: 9809
Lowering the Bar
Date: 12/26/1998
Views: 16008
Keywords: bill clinton, impeachment, bar, monica lewinsky scandal, media, news, television, obstruction of justice, perjury, boy scouts, morality, liars, honesty, leaders, integrity, caligula, private sector, government