Keyword Album: sec
Date: 03/04/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 413 items
Militarize Climate Change!
Date: 05/27/2015
Views: 9997
Keywords: science, climate change, ISIS, Muslims, war on terror, global warming, Barack Obama, national security, militarization, militarism, cluster bombs, death star, drones
Most Transparent Administration Ever
Date: 05/20/2015
Views: 11500
Keywords: TPP, NAFTA, free trade agreements, China, Japan, Taiwan, Asia, globalization, secrecy, transparency, senators, senate, Obama, TRans-Pacific Partnership, Google Glass, Jello shots, memory
State NSA Laws
Date: 05/07/2015
Views: 11443
Keywords: NSA, The Kernel, The Daily Dot, National Security Agency, privacy, Starbucks, wifi, water, utilities, eletricity, inconvenient, darkness, blackmail
Crosswalk Race
Date: 05/08/2015
Views: 10462
Deferred Action on Immigrants
Date: 02/17/2015
Views: 15858
Keywords: Obama, Jeh Johnson, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, coupon, Homeland Security, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, California, Homesec, federal court, Republicans, expanded deferred action program
Time Machine Assassination Squad
Date: 04/08/2015
Views: 7680
She Has That Privilege
Date: 03/12/2015
Views: 8108
Keywords: Hypocrisy, Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, NSA, national security agency, Orwell, 1984, O'Brien, Winston Smith, Tele screen, spying, domestic surveillance, privilege
Hillary and the NSA, Sitting in a Tree
Date: 03/05/2015
Views: 11595
Keywords: NSA, emails, Hillary Clinton, emailgate, Secretary of State, State Department, Federal Records Act, Edward Snowden, National Security Agency, treason, terrorism, Tiffany's, credit, gift certificate, records, USA-PAtriot Act
HomeSec, We Hardly Knew Ye
Date: 03/02/2015
Views: 7466
Keywords: Homeland Security, Congress, spending, furlough, airport, security, liquids, shoes, bomber, waiting area, TSA