Keyword Album: secretary
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 40 items
Business Cares
Date: 05/16/1996
Views: 16731
Keywords: school uniforms, education, workplace, office, thugs, secretary, italian shoes, cufflinks, suspenders, guns, shootings, school violence, brooks brothers, corporate uniforms
Generalissimo Obamo
Date: 11/27/2008
Views: 10021
Keywords: Obamo, Bush, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, WMDs, Iraq, Saddam, Liberal, Traitor, Torture, Osama, bin Laden
Moving the Goalposts
Date: 06/17/2006
Views: 12075
Keywords: al-Zarqawi, Iraq, war, bushists, bush, president, goals, ambitious, easy, victory, imminent, around, corner, God, kill, U.S., insurgent, Amman, Baghdad, highway, rumble strip, rumble, strip, Hilla, glorious, Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, golf, shot
Scalia Goes Meta
Date: 02/16/2008
Views: 10460
Keywords: Antonin Scalia, Scalia, Supreme Court, Bitchslap, Bitch Slap, Physical, Violence, Interrogation, Secretary, Los Angeles, blow up, ticking time bomb, ticking bomb, stapler, bare-knuckled, jurist, BBC, interview, torture, so-called torture, need to know