Keyword Album: son
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 402 items
Corporate Personhood
Date: 10/12/2009
Views: 11501
Keywords: Corporations, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, Individuals, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Halliburton, Corporate Logo, Corporate Persons, Fees, Banks, Katrina, Torture, Execution, Vein, Ohio, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty
Roman Polanski to the Rescue
Date: 10/01/2009
Views: 10016
Keywords: Date Rape, Crime and Punishment, Child Molestation, Sex, Rape, Statutory Rape, Film Director, Artistes, Class Warfare, Movies, Hollywood, Prison, Mickey, Academy Award-Winning
While You Were Fighting in Afghanistan
Date: 08/29/2009
Views: 9805
Keywords: Mission Accomplished, LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Vietnam War, Afghanistan, Mosque, Barack Obama, Gun, Long Time From Now, U.S. Collapse, War on Terror, Generals, Militarism, Balloons
In the Year 2525
Date: 08/22/2009
Views: 7531
Keywords: Futurism, Global Warming, Nostalgia, Baby Boomers, Woodstock, Generational Warfare, Jetsons, Cyrogenic Preservation, Death, Muddy, Statue of Liberty
All the Same
Date: 09/14/1995
Views: 7098
Bye Bye Poor People
Date: 09/13/1995
Views: 12708
Keywords: Poverty, Poor Disappear, Guilt, Lazy Poor Scum, Slums, Razed, Prisons, Food Stamps, Social Divisions, Class Warfare, Gas Station, Scapegoat, Lower Middle Class
Nuts for America
Date: 09/12/1995
Views: 11359
Keywords: Pat Buchanan, Conservatism, Nationalism, Selling Out to Corporations, Armenians, NAFTA, GATT, China, Richard Nixon, Zeus, Treason, Sanity
Earn Extra Cash Now...the Easy Way
Date: 09/11/1995
Views: 10667
Keywords: Corporate Sponsorships, Renaming, Sports Stadiums, Public Places, Big Money, Citicorp, Monsanto, Dan Xerox, Personal Sponsorship, Change Name, Primerica, Wesley, Lockheeds
These Truths
Date: 08/02/1995
Views: 8476