Keyword Album: ticket
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 22 items
No Assholes, No Cops
Date: 04/26/2024
Views: 5270
Keywords: demographics, assholes, police, cops, migrants, progressivism, tech, politics, normals, police violence, tickets
Never Mind My Crimes, What about Your Issues?
Date: 04/24/2023
Views: 7355
Keywords: Policeman, trial, speeding ticket, school zone, hypocrisy, Pentagon leaks, discord leaks, whistleblowers, media, journalism, agenda
Date: 12/04/2020
Views: 3676
Date: 10/23/2018
Views: 6837
Too Pig To Fail
Date: 12/14/2017
Views: 9409
Keywords: backlash, sexual assault, Al Franken, Roy Moore, Harvey Weinstein, sexual harassment, women, men, law and punishment, justice, fairness, parking ticket, Donald Trump, misogynist, iPhone X, facial recognition
Investigating the Investigators
Date: 08/02/2017
Views: 6484
Keywords: Donald Trump, car, speeding, law enforcement, cop, police, ticket, Robert Mueller, special counsel, investigation, opposition research, turnaround
On Trump's Muslim Ban, No Good Guys
Date: 02/02/2017
Views: 7374
Keywords: Trump, Muslim ban, Silicon Valley, big tech, technology, H1B visa program, plane ticket, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, bigotry, free trade, outsourcing
If We Did Other Things The Way That We Vote
Date: 08/26/2016
Views: 12141
Keywords: Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, Green party, Libertarian party, third parties, alternative parties, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Independence, Blockbuster, movie, film, ticket money, Population, density, urban, city, cockroaches
Crosswalk Race
Date: 05/08/2015
Views: 9982