Keyword Album: tsa
Date: 01/30/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 29 items
Date: 06/06/2013
Views: 9744
Keywords: war on terror, terrornomics, spy, Tsarnaev brothers, Stasi, security state, paranoia, authoritarianism, TSA, self-radicalization, East Germany, drone pilots, fear, bubble, derivatives, phobias, anxieties
Dead and Homeless
Date: 05/09/2013
Views: 11254
Keywords: Tamerlan Tsarnaev, body, death, burial, vengeance, Boston marathon bombing, war on terrorism, terror, religion, time travel, sun, solar system, Osama bin Laden, temporal paradox, physics
The Wisdom of Major Tom Friedman
Date: 05/03/2013
Views: 13144
Keywords: Thomas Friedman, New York Times, stupidity, opinion columnist, Dzokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, or on terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, Islam, Muslim, resistance, drones, schools, school teacher, math teacher, algebra, infidels, protests, free-speech zone, c
Better Guns
Date: 01/01/2013
Views: 16639
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, National Rifle Association, NRA, security, school massacres, Connecticut, Newtown, guns, violence, security checkpoint, AR-15, Glock, armed guards, TSA, airports, schools, education, elementary schools, CZW-556
7.9% Fewer Drone Strikes
Date: 03/09/2013
Views: 15129
Keywords: sequester, fiscal cliff, austerity, federal budget cuts, drone attacks, federal services, waterboarding, intelligence, TSA, airport security, body cavity searches, wars, militarism, Iran, homelessness, poverty, joblessness, foreclosure victims, unemployme
First They Came For My Junk
Date: 04/09/2012
Views: 13785
Keywords: U.S. Supreme Court, torture, human rights, Martin Niemoller quote, Holocaust, Jews, airport security, TSA, domestic wiretapping program, NSA, national security agency, CIA, FBI, spying, finger-rape, strip searches, strip-searches, body cavity searches, hu
Date: 11/22/2010
Views: 14528
Keywords: TSA, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Transportation Safety Administr, Detainee, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Holiday Season, National Opt Out Day, Junk, Privacy, Searches, Pat-Down, Patdown, Scanners, Screening, Security
Pre-Flight Check
Date: 11/26/2010
Views: 13065
Keywords: TSA, Transportation Security Agency, Airport Screeners, Blue Gloves, Catfish, X-Ray Machine, Backscatter, Scanner, Body Searches, Security Guards, Terrorism, Airport Security, Genitals, Privacy, Farts, Flattulence, Colostomy, Syphilis, Bedbugs
Arrival in the United States
Date: 07/29/2002
Views: 6246