Keyword Album: unemployment
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 227 items
Economic Circle Jerk
Date: 04/20/1996
Views: 16150
Keywords: privatization, pensions, social security, retirement, 401(k), retirement plan, catch, job, employment, unemployment, stock market, shareholders
Smells Like Dead Bugs
Date: 02/22/1996
Views: 20075
Keywords: jobs, unemployment, newspaper, classified ad, american museum of natural history, sort, bees, flies, moths, dexterity, arachnids, moolah, student loans, labor, dead bugs
Date: 02/01/1996
Views: 14054
Gen-X Round Table
Date: 12/14/1996
Views: 12079
Keywords: Generation X, generational politics, student loans, jobs, employment, unemployment, underemployment, media, marginalization, libertarianism, stale leftovers, Gen-X, labels, identity
In Good Hands
Date: 01/06/1996
Views: 13652
Teen Unemployment Panic
Date: 03/16/2009
Views: 16316
Keywords: Unemployment, Children, Fetal, Fetuses, Abortion, Child, Economy, GDP, Corporations, Employers, Employees, Labor, McDonald's, Video Games, Teen Agers, Teenagers
Get a Job!
Date: 03/08/2009
Views: 13874
Keywords: Homelessness, Panhandlers, Get a Job, Recession, Economy, Depression, Missing, Unemployment, Underemployment, Wall Street, Stock Market
The Ethics of Anti-Employment
Date: 04/28/1997
Views: 19028
Keywords: work ethic, protestants, work, lazy, self-respect, workplace, job, inflation, productivity, unemployment, deflation, savings, american patriots, depression, capitalism
Your Job Owns You
Date: 02/06/1997
Views: 13987
Keywords: internal organs, bathroom, stevens, company retreat, montana, overtime, workplace, empployment, employment, downsizing, unemployment