Keyword Album: w
Date: 03/11/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4525 items
Believe What I Do, Not What I Say
Date: 02/10/2023
Views: 6525
Keywords: Ukraine, war, proxy war, Russia, Vladimir, Putin, Joe, Biden, proxy warfare, military strategy, general, militarism, military
Ukraine as the Fisherman's Wife
Date: 02/06/2023
Views: 8307
Keywords: Ukraine, Joe, Biden, nuclear war, war, guns, missiles, tanks, better tanks, F-16, fighter, jets, nuclear weapons, nukes, Volodymyr, Zelenskyy
First They Came for Bigger Cubicles
Date: 02/08/2023
Views: 8828
Keywords: Economy, capitalism, misery, unemployment, cubicles, remote, work, casual, Thursdays, labor, management, relations, economists, dental care, vision, care, visual care, paid family leave
You Know the Drill
Date: 02/03/2023
Views: 8592
Keywords: Gun violence, mass, shootings, email check, workplace, guns, national rifle association, NRA, inaction, Congress, apathy
Ken Burns Is Here
Date: 01/30/2023
Views: 8438
Keywords: Ken Burns, documentary, filmmaker, Vietnam, war, escalation, quagmire, weapons, tanks, Ukraine, fighter, jets, military, militarism, defense, spending, warfare
Conspiracy? In This Mess of a Country?
Date: 01/13/2023
Views: 7500
Keywords: Conspiracy theories, QAnon, Satan, blood drinking, Cabal, poverty, security state, income, inequality, climate, change, global warming
I Spy for the FBI
Date: 01/02/2023
Views: 7091
Keywords: FBI, federal Bureau of investigation, entrapment, Gretchen, Whitmer, kidnapping, plot, undercover agent, thoughtcrime, Orwellian, thought crime, traitor
Perhaps You Were Unclear on the Meaning of the Term
Date: 01/04/2023
Views: 6193
Keywords: Price, gouging, capitalism, greed, airlines, air, travel, Southwest airlines, gate, attendant, supply, and demand, increased demand
Work Remotely As a Cop
Date: 01/06/2023
Views: 10032
Keywords: Police, policing, working from home, remote, work, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, racism, racist, shootings, police shootings, oppression, a press, arms, robots, traffic cameras