Keyword Album: war o
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 242 items
Why They Haven't Attacked Us Again
Date: 07/07/2008
Views: 12232
Keywords: Jihadis, War on Terror, Terrorism, Safe House, Foreclosures, Sub-Prime Mortgages, Student Loan, Flight School, Debt Crisis, Truck Bomb, Gas Prices, Gas, Energy
Model of Integrity
Date: 05/24/2007
Views: 10736
Bush's Last Wars
Date: 12/01/2007
Views: 11313
Keywords: Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, President, Domestic Surveillance, Osama, Video, War on Error, Terror, Terrorism, Appositive, Awkward Phrases, Immigration, Laura Bush, Extradition, Social Security, Reform
$12 Billion Lost in Iraq
Date: 03/23/2007
Views: 10690
Keywords: Paul Bremer, CPA, Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq, Occupation, Oil for Food, War, War on Terror, Terrorism, Graft, Military, Theft, Loot, Raytheon, Bombs
Date: 02/16/2007
Views: 18474
Keywords: Troops, Support the Troops, Military, Militarism, Wars, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terror, Sacred Cows, Free Speech, First Amendment, Insult, Insulting, Thailand, Ataturk, Turkey, Prison, Jail, Austria, Flag, Nationalism, Anthem
Don't Mess with the U.S.
Date: 02/19/2007
Views: 14692
Keywords: Iran, Iraq, Meddling, Weapons, IEDs, Bush, Hypocrisy, War, Terror, Terrorism, War on Terror, War on Terrorism, Uranium, Internal Affairs, Troop, Troops, Surge, AK-47s, Machine Guns, Pistols
Going Native
Date: 02/10/2007
Views: 15021
Keywords: Left Behind, Lost, Troops, Iraq, Soldier, War, War on Terror, Terrorism, GIs, JetBlue, Syria, Funding, Amex, American Express, Eyes, Burqa, F-16C, 82nd, Checkpoint, Bribes
The War on Postmodernism
Date: 01/01/2007
Views: 19273
Keywords: Architecture, War on Christmas, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, Factor, Postmodernism, Aesthetics, Favoritism, Public Spaces, Gothic, Neolithic, Internationalism, Baroque, Visual, Libertarians