Keyword Album: work
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 277 items
Arrest Them All, Let the NSA Sort Them Out
Date: 08/05/2013
Views: 11205
Keywords: NSA, PRISM, National Security Agency, three-hop analysis, hop, bike, police, terrorism, domestic surveillance, spying, privacy rights, telephones, Associated Press, statistics, gulag, police work, police state
Date: 04/25/2013
Views: 12920
Keywords: corporations, greed, outsourcing, free trade, WTO, NAFTA, labor pool, Holocaust, Auschwitz, death camp, Cambodia, Mexico, China, wages, labor management relations, job creator, hedge fund, workers, slave labor
Love Reaper
Date: 04/01/2013
Views: 11956
Keywords: General Atomics, Love Reaper, MQ-69, online dating, Waziristan, romance, stonings, Steven Seagal, action movies, wi-fi- 4G network, Internet, computers, jihad, war on terror, drone planes
Date: 02/26/2013
Views: 6285
Skimmed Tweet
Date: 01/10/2013
Views: 9899
Keywords: Twitter, social networking, Facebook, Tweet, appointment, communication, misunderstanding, long winded, skimming, shorthand, attention span, society, social commentary, friendship
Bestiary of the American Class System
Date: 01/05/2013
Views: 11825
Keywords: Class warfare, middle-class, fiscal cliff negotiations, bipartisanship, class system, bestiary, income, taxation, taxes, middle-classy, homelessness, poverty, homeless, office worker, one per centers, limousine
Second PhD
Date: 11/14/2012
Views: 10134
Keywords: PhD, doctorate, diploma, education, degree, gig, debt, underemployment, unemployment, colleges, universities, salary, temp work, part-time work, labor-management relations, exploitation
Date: 05/24/2012
Views: 13773
Keywords: Sacramento Bee, California, Local Cartoon, state workers, unions, Governor Jerry Brown, furlough, free times, budget crisis, budget cuts, forms, workplace, economy, family
Death by Skype
Date: 05/14/2012
Views: 13722
Keywords: death, Afghanistan, war on terror, soldier, Skype, Pinterest, social networking, Internet, privacy, online, cancer, LinkedIn, unemployment, Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter, Facebook, heaven, afterlife, suicide, monetize