Keyword Album: 9/11 attacks
Date: 02/08/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
Date: 05/13/2022
Views: 2369
Keywords:, journalism, press, media, killing, Israel, Palestine, Al Jazeera, reporting, JFK assassination, Jamal Khashoggi, Istanbul, Martin Luther King Jr., 9/11 attacks, twin towers, titanic sinking, headlines, magazines, newspapers
Culture of Life
Date: 05/23/2022
Views: 13506
Keywords: abortion, roe v. wade, Arabs, criminals, 9/11 attacks, death penalty, Obamacare, ACA, Affordable Care Act, terrorism, war on terrorism, capital punishment, blacks, blue lives matter, police brutality, Jan. 6 insurrection, Democrats, Trump, Stop the Steal
If the Military Aren't Suckers, Sucker Has No Meaning
Date: 09/07/2020
Views: 8295
Keywords: Suckers, Afghanistan war, Iraq war, militarism, Donald Trump, FDNY, 9/11 attacks, Saddam Hussein, military base, soldiers, troops
Jeffrey Epstein Shows That Conspiracies Just Aren't What They Used To Be
Date: 08/19/2019
Views: 10536
Keywords: Counterpoint, covert, secret, trilateral commission, conspiracy, cabal, world, budget cuts, layoffs, derpy millennials, Jeffrey Epstein, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, JFK, suicide, sex scandal, 9/11 attacks, moonlanding, Salvador Allende, Osama bin Laden
The Afghan Slog Continues
Date: 08/21/2017
Views: 6101
Date: 06/28/2013
Views: 13720
Keywords: Slippery slope, NSA, 9/11 attacks, terrorism, security, national security agency, emails, privacy, text messages, photographs, video chats, Skype, telephone calls, phone calls, Verizon, domestic surveillance, spying, security state, TSA, transportation sa
War on War
Date: 06/21/2013
Views: 12788
Keywords: terrorism, war, Afghanistan, Iraq, Obama, militarism, reconstruction, foreign aid, veterans, healthcare, 9/11 attacks, planets, Colombia, Mali, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Yemen
Cheesy Patriotism Elsewhere
Date: 05/08/2013
Views: 11119
Keywords: Patriotism, nationalism, jingoism, rhetoric, war on terror, 9/11 attacks, September 11 attacks, Burkina Faso, Serbia, militarism, jihadis, Al Qaeda, homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Proxy War Redux
Date: 04/11/2012
Views: 9919
Keywords: Russia, proxy warfare, Afghanistan, Syria, Bashir a-Assad, Iran, freedom, Obama, Friends of Syria, Islamism, jihad, Arab client state, World Trade Center, 9/11 attacks