Keyword Album: ACA
Date: 02/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 110 items
The Case Against Gun Control
Date: 04/14/2014
Views: 6804
Keywords: gun control, Fort Hood shooting, labor, management, time off, vacation days, leave, paternity leave, workers, break room, mental illness
Religious Beliefs of Corporations
Date: 03/28/2014
Views: 15228
Keywords: ACA, Obamacare, Goldman Sachs, corporations, corporate personhood, Hobby Lobby, cows, McDonald's, religion, Islam, Starbucks, Hinduism, Catholicism, condoms, rubbers, abortion, diaphragm, human resources, HR, contraception, polygamy, CEO pay, Supreme Cour
Ridiculous Pro-Obamacare Talking Points
Date: 01/10/2014
Views: 8958
Keywords: Talking points, Obamacare, Affordable Care Act, Obamabots, social media, Edward Snowden, PCA, multidimensional scaling, subsidies, smoking, county, alternative universe
Have a Very A-Merry-Ca Christmas
Date: 12/26/2013
Views: 10106
Keywords: Christmas, holidays, Obama, torture, Guantanamo, presents, tree, family, drone strikes, terrorism, Gitmo, beach, Hawaii, vacation, foreign policy
Why Do You Hate Obama?
Date: 12/14/2013
Views: 14178
Keywords: Obama, dog whistle, race card, race relations, racism, drones, bankster bailouts, Afghanistan, Obamacare, public option, NSA, National Security Agency, torture, Guantanamo, force-feeding, Chelsea Manning, Bradley Manning, Libya, Syria, gay rights, Ku Klux
Faith-Based Healthcare
Date: 12/01/2013
Views: 4854
If You Like Our Troops, You Can Keep Them
Date: 11/28/2013
Views: 8874
Keywords: Afghanistan, healthcare, Affordable Care Act, lies, ACA, Obamacare, plan, keep, Hamid Karzai, troops, war, soldiers
Saving Obamacare
Date: 11/16/2013
Views: 9359
Keywords: Affordable Care Act, ACA, Obamacare, NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, spying, migraines, drone attacks, CIA, email, DNA scan, database, dog
Affordable Cartoon Act
Date: 11/14/2013
Views: 7045
Keywords: ACA, healthcare reform, Affordable Care Act, cartoons, cartooning, mandate, Obama, Hi and Lois, Mort Walker, fining, drawing