Keyword Album: California
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 179 items
Freedom Isn't Free. It Isn't Even Affordable.
Date: 12/27/2011
Views: 16861
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, California, Police, LAPD, City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich, Occupy Los Angeles, City Hall Park, Lawsuit, Demonstrations, Protests, Speeding ticket, First Amendment, freedom, affordable, police cruiser
Icons of the Anti-Dream Movement
Date: 12/20/2011
Views: 17612
Keywords: Tea Party, California Dream Act, petitions, signatures, children, racism, bigotry, Proposition 187, nativism, xenophobia, Hispanics, Latinos, illegal immigrants, college education, financial aid applications
Prison for Profit
Date: 12/19/2011
Views: 13761
Keywords: Prison, Vampire Capitalism, Jail, Riverside California, Lube, Rape, Prison uniforms, shiv, Ethnic gangs, nazi skinheads, lawyers, legal, law and order, crime and punishment, budget cut, airline pricing, a la carte, riots, occupy movement
This Is What a Whiny Police State Looks Like
Date: 11/22/2011
Views: 14150
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, University of California, UC Davis, Occupy movement, Occupy Sacramento, Occupy UC Davis, Police Brutality, Pepper Spray, College, Protests, Demonstrations, Orange, Rodney King, Get Along, Encircled, Police State
Food Fight
Date: 11/15/2011
Views: 14755
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, California State Senate, senators, break room, snack room, Capitol, non-dairy creamer, Liberals, chemicals, Splenda, sugar, Tritylated sucrose, lobbyists, Maxwell House, coffee, San Francisco, feminist
Politicians' Gifts
Date: 11/08/2011
Views: 9282
Lindsay Lohan Finds a New Business Model
Date: 11/08/2011
Views: 15926
Keywords: Lindsay Lohan, Adaptable, Ticket Sales, Movie Business, Digital Piracy, California, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Captive Audience, Freaky Friday, The Parent Trap, Lynwood, Frenemies, Paris Hilton, Cigarettes, Prison, Crime and Punishment
Foodies Mourn the Ban on Shark-Fin Soup
Date: 10/11/2011
Views: 12536
Keywords: Shark Fin Soup, California Condor, Harp Seals, Endangered Species, Restaurant, Waiter, Life Zest, Menu, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Exotic Foods, Jerry Brown
California Prisoner Hunger Strike
Date: 10/04/2011
Views: 12940
Keywords: California Prison System, Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Iran, Inmates, Corrections Department, Solitary Confinement, Torture, Mental Health, Cell, Pelican Bay, Hunger Strike