Keyword Album: DNA
Date: 11/02/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 40 items
Is Ted Cruz an Alien?
Date: 04/09/2018
Views: 7895
Year End Trash
Date: 12/23/2014
Views: 11259
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, trash, garbage, refuse, litter, streets, North Korea, Sony hackers, earthquake faults, San Andreas fault, DNA, street cameras, punishment
Wild Torture Party
Date: 12/11/2014
Views: 11943
Keywords: ANewDomain, freelance cartoon, torture, lost its way, torture report, Senate, 1960s, free love, drugs, sex, kidnapping, Muslims
Saving Obamacare
Date: 11/16/2013
Views: 8163
Keywords: Affordable Care Act, ACA, Obamacare, NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, spying, migraines, drone attacks, CIA, email, DNA scan, database, dog
Nothing to Worry About
Date: 08/01/2013
Views: 9410
Keywords: xKeyscore Program, National Security Agency, Guardian, privacy, email, domestic surveillance, apathy, passivity, NSA, terrorism, data mining, rectal, DNA, butt, butts, scrapings, FISA court, plots
Professor Napolitano
Date: 07/17/2013
Views: 12344
Keywords: Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Department, war on terror, data mining, DNA services, privacy, Internet surveillance, NSA, National Security Agency, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, UC, University of California
Not Very Intrusive (If You're a Cop)
Date: 06/07/2013
Views: 7658
Keywords: police, law and order, Supreme Court, DNA swabbing, database, privacy rights, Fourth Amendment, searches and seizures, constitutional law, Alonzo Jay King, Maryland, cops
As Ethical As a Three-Euro Note
Date: 03/18/2013
Views: 9111
Keywords: Bob Portman, gay marriage, gay rights, homophobia, gays and lesbians, social issues, human rights, equality, three-euro bill, queers, Republicans, conservativism, drones, Obama, DNA
Computer Seizure
Date: 06/29/2011
Views: 7328