Keyword Album: Democracy
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 121 items
Date: 02/15/2011
Views: 17509
Keywords: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt, Revolution, Democracy, Autocrats, Cayman Islands, Bankers, Offshore Banking, Journalism, Sarkozy, Island, Militsia, Small Currency, Prisoner, Dissident, Torture, Belarus, Duvalier, Dictator Row, Money Laundering, Regional Dictators
Date: 12/02/2009
Views: 10925
Can't They See I'm Busy?
Date: 04/11/2011
Views: 8580
Keywords: congress, libya, war, war on terror, constitution, rubber stamp, consultation, war powers act, democracy, obama, military, general, joint resolution, fools, kadafi
Lifecycle of U.S. Foreign Relations
Date: 03/09/2011
Views: 9288
Keywords: democracy, natural gas, energy, revolution, oil, libya, egypt, tunisia, middle east, state department, diplomacy, oppression, revolt, uprising
Inspiring Indeed
Date: 02/22/2011
Views: 9561
Keywords: Capitalism, Rich Pigs, Servant, Butler, Lavish, Luxury, Egypt, Revolution, Socialism, Uprising, Oppressors, Suffering, Tunisia, Democracy
Give Up
Date: 02/19/2011
Views: 9681
X-Treme Democratization
Date: 10/23/2009
Views: 8885
Keywords: Afghanistan, Democracy, Election, Beheading, Decapitation, Taliban, Hamid Karzai, Abdullah Abdullah, Head, War on Terrorism, I get it, Possibly, Run-Off Election
Honduran Hypocrisy
Date: 08/13/2009
Views: 9667
Keywords: Honduras, Military Coup, Central America, Democracy, Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, Hypocrisy, Latin America, Honda, King, Stupid Subjects
The Electoral College Explained
Date: 07/27/1996
Views: 20153
Keywords: television news executives, ceos, president, cbs, abc, nbc, bill clinton, anchorman, news anchor, voters, winner-takes-all politics, bob dole, voting for winner, loser, scranton, exit poll, democracy, spectator sport, sports