Keyword Album: Flag
Date: 02/09/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 36 items
The Al Qaeda Conspiracy
Date: 11/01/2001
Views: 8341
Win the Fashion War on Terrorism
Date: 10/20/2001
Views: 5658
The Excitement is Back!
Date: 11/19/1994
Views: 9318
Keywords: republicans, david duke, herbert hoover, school reform, school prayer, textbooks, pride, flag burning amendment, tax cuts, $3.82, war, militarism
What Really Pisses Us Off
Date: 07/06/2006
Views: 9049
If You Ban Flag Hurting
Date: 07/04/2006
Views: 8598
Keywords: Flag, Desecration, Wedge, Issue, Sacred, Cloth, American, Insurgent, Soldier, Iraq, Torture, Criminals, Kryptonite, Superman, Constitution, Amendment, Constitutional
Smoking Gun
Date: 03/01/2008
Views: 13493
Keywords: Patriotism, Barack Obama, Obama, Jesus, Lapel Pin, Nationalism, 9/11, American Flag, National Anthem, Bathroom, Smoking Gun, Borat, X-Ray, Airport, Slums, Police Brutality
Date: 02/16/2007
Views: 19216
Keywords: Troops, Support the Troops, Military, Militarism, Wars, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, War on Terror, Sacred Cows, Free Speech, First Amendment, Insult, Insulting, Thailand, Ataturk, Turkey, Prison, Jail, Austria, Flag, Nationalism, Anthem
Iraqi Ethnic Cleansing for Fun and Profit
Date: 02/04/2007
Views: 15381
Keywords: Ethnic Cleansing, Iraq, Sectarian, Violence, Real Estate, Sunni, Shiite, Taxi Drivers, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Combat Pay, Graphic Artist, Stamps, Currency, Flag, Ak-47, RPG
Can't Pull Out Because We Can't Pull Out
Date: 01/18/2007
Views: 12745
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terrorism, Insurgency, Insurgents, Bush, Pelosi, Congress, Speaker, Coffin, Flag, Soldier, Troop, IED, Conundrum