Keyword Album: Gerald Ford
Date: 12/04/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 5 items
Do As I Say, Not As I Did
Date: 09/15/2023
Views: 8988
Keywords: Sputnik News, presidential libraries, democracy, statement, hypocrisy, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George & Barbara Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman, Franklin
Trump Should Watch More Mafia Movies is he Wants to Remain President
Date: 08/27/2018
Views: 5613
Keywords: Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, elevator, present, plea bargain, Robert Mueller investigation, Russia gate, conviction, pardon, Gerald ford
Date: 11/13/1995
Views: 7950
Fresh Leadership for a New Era
Date: 07/29/2000
Views: 11985
Keywords: bush, george h.w. bush, patty hearst, john delorean, dick cheney, norman schwarzkopf, g. gordon liddy, henry kissinge, gerald ford, vietnam, john ehrlichman, john mitchell, j.f. dulles, black panthers\, richard nixon, gerry ford, cointelpro
Death of an Unelected President
Date: 01/04/2007
Views: 10906
Keywords: Election, Florida, Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, Gerry Ford, Ford, Gerald Ford, Gerald R. Ford, President, Presidency, Bush v. Gore, Funeral, Unelected, Stolen Election, Recount, Ohio