Keyword Album: High School
Date: 02/08/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 25 items
Date: 12/31/1969
Views: 97589
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, RFK High School, Costs, Budget Deficits, Education, Students, Kennedy, Massage, Hovercraft, Bills
Good Debt Takes Over
Date: 04/27/2011
Views: 7801
Keywords: good debt, bad debt, credit cards, student loans, kinky, fairmont west high school, old room, run-dmc, the clash, columbia university, west side movers, humiliating, sex
Can't Out-Republican the Republicans
Date: 11/12/2010
Views: 7690
Keywords: Varsity, Moderation, Centrism, Triangulation, Elephants, Jocks, Cheerleaders, High School, Lockers, Beanie, Obama, Hat, Chess Club, Out-Republican
Gitmo High School
Date: 10/08/2009
Views: 7935
Back to School '95
Date: 08/16/1995
Views: 14702
Keywords: Eighties Retro, Nostalgia, Fashion, 1980s Retro, Power Tie, Dead Commodities Trader, Madonna, Music, Pop Culture, Condoms, HIV/AIDS, Baseball Caps, Faux Pas, School Metal Detector, Education, High School
$2 a Book
Date: 03/18/1995
Views: 8787
The Case for Newt
Date: 05/24/1997
Views: 13687
Robert's Flu
Date: 06/08/1998
Views: 15210
Keywords: tracking, french, junior high school, middle school, education, robert, destiny, fate, college-track classes, college, northwest dade community colleg, job, polymer eradication, quiet riot, feel the noise, drinking, pregnant, sex and relationships, family
Labeling Slum Dwellers
Date: 03/28/1998
Views: 12036
Keywords: high school, education, school uniforms, mr. t experience, record world, self-esteem, class differences identity, house of cheese, slums, cops, crime, gang colors