Keyword Album: Hillary Clinton
Date: 02/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 230 items
Flat Broke? Try the Hillary Clinton Way!
Date: 07/07/2014
Views: 8462
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, class warfare, Terry MacAuliffe, flat broke, Bill Clinton, dint, hard work, ghostwriting, Hard Choices, loans, wealth, Mitt Romney
Ready for Hillary?
Date: 03/01/2014
Views: 13380
Keywords: identity politics, identitarian politics, political correctness, PC, blacks, African-Americans, Obama, president, Hillary Clinton, 2016 presidential campaign, laws, disappointment, alienation, women, racism, feminism, gay rights, homophobia, tokenism
Three Years From Now
Date: 09/17/2013
Views: 9994
Keywords: Syria, cruise missiles, Obama, punditry, media, journalism, 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, barracks, street, television
Date: 12/31/2012
Views: 8900
Keywords: Nepotism, political dynasties, Walter Cronkite, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, name recognition, 2016 presidential campaign, John Quincy Adams, wireless, Genghis Khan, Sally Hemmings, Thomas Jefferson, Jerry Ford, President, name
A Terrible Shock
Date: 09/14/2012
Views: 9708
Keywords: Libya, ambassador, killing, diplomacy, State Department, shock, Obama, coffin, funeral, radical Islamists, Syria, Afghanisan, Hillary Clinton
Absolutely Better Off
Date: 09/08/2012
Views: 9295
Keywords: Reagan, 2012 presidential campaign, recession, economy, jobs, depression, better off, four years ago, cabinet, Hillary Clinton, unemployment, underemployment
The Commander-in-Chief
Date: 06/13/2012
Views: 13435
Keywords: suicide, militarism, war, cabinet, Hillary Clinton, general, soldiers, troops, Iraq, Afghanistan, Barack Obama, president, Taliban, drone planes, drones, psychology, mental illness, tour of duty, burnout
The American Way
Date: 12/30/2011
Views: 9886
Keywords: Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-on, North Korea, Hillary Clinton, Democracy, Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief, President, Armed Forces, Bat Building, Pyongyang, Dictatorship, Regime Change, The American Way
Chelsea the Meritocrat
Date: 11/18/2011
Views: 12496
Keywords: Chelsea Clinton, TV, Television, NBC News, Jenna Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Nepotism, Time Travel, Molotov Coctail, Occupy movement, Skillsets, Economy, Recession, Depression, Unemployment