Keyword Album: Hitler
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 74 items
You Kids Have It Easy
Date: 11/12/2013
Views: 12997
Keywords: Obama, Hitler, Dishfire, domestic surveillance, Edward Snowden, XKeyscore, NSA, National Security Agency, spying, credit card data, text messages, email, phone, telephone, Tempora, Muscular, browsing histories, Google, Yahoo, drones, killer robots
U.S. to Attack U.S. over Chemical Weapons
Date: 09/05/2013
Views: 14062
Keywords: chemical weapons, Syria, Congress, World War I, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, LBJ, Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Obama, NYPD, police, Occupy Wall Street protests, UC David, pepper spray, tear gas, napalm, agent orangem, depleted
Know Your Level
Date: 08/02/2013
Views: 12678
Keywords: PFC Bradley Manning, Iraqi civilians, WikiLeaks, Jullian Assangem, heroism, traitor, treason, Adolf Hitler, Paris, heirarchy, militarism, justice, privacy, torture, transparency, World War II, leaks
Hitler Finds Out Ron Paul Is Four Points Ahead of Him in the Polls
Date: 08/03/2011
Views: 8510
Keywords: ron paul, libertarian, obama, hitler finds out, youtube, parody, afghanistan, war, iraq, withdrawal, hillary clinton, leave now, liberals
Losing It
Date: 06/04/2011
Views: 8206
Keywords: Libya, Obama, War on Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, Hitler, Fuhrer, Bunker, Berlin, Fronts, Quagmire, Losing It
Date: 06/15/2010
Views: 10313
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Local Cartoon, Homeowners, Privacy, Mansions, Buffer Zones, Nazis, Lebensraum, Hitler, Privets, Teardowns
Date: 12/03/1995
Views: 7950
The Ballad of the Moderate Republican
Date: 02/15/1996
Views: 15409
Keywords: republicans, nazis, jackboots, extremism, right-wingers, newt gingrich, hijacked, cabal, abortion, school prayer, internet, censorship, hitler
Eva Braun Lives
Date: 12/09/1996
Views: 9558