Keyword Album: Interrogation
Date: 02/07/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 21 items
Suicide Kits
Date: 06/02/2011
Views: 10276
Date: 03/24/2010
Views: 8595
Keywords: Accomplices, Presidents, Congressmen, Jihadis, Radicals, Militants, Teachers, Read, Military, Torture, Interrogation
The Asterisk President
Date: 06/14/2009
Views: 17306
Keywords: Iraq, Troops, Afghanistan, Support Troops, Narrative, Barack Obama, Guantanamo, Gitmo, Detainees, Torture, Bagram, Prolonged Detention, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Habeas Corpus, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights
The Immoral Majority
Date: 05/15/2009
Views: 12500
Keywords: Morality, Ethics, Human Rights, Torture, Waterboarding, Detainees, News, Effective, Amputation, Rape, Pedophilia, Sexualization, Interrogation
Goldlocks the Torturer
Date: 04/24/2009
Views: 12960
Keywords: Torture, Waterboarding, Torture Memos, Legal Opinions, Graf Zeppelin, Graf Zepellin, Guantanamo, Gills, Snotty, Crack, Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Mason, Interrogation, Al Qaeda, War on Terror, Human Rights
Weird War
Date: 11/20/2001
Views: 5664
The Geneva Conventions by Nation
Date: 09/21/2006
Views: 17170
Keywords: Geneva, Geneva Conventions, Terrorism, Enemy Combattants, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Bagram, Bush, President, McCain, Warner, Senators, Republicans, Interrogations, Secret Prisons, CIA, Torture, Afghanistan, Italy, Germany, United States, Australia, POWs, Detaine
Torture Tapes
Date: 01/12/2008
Views: 8748
Keywords: Torture, FBI, CIA, Bush, Terror, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Civil Rights, Interrogation, Agent, Holster, Badge, Mirror
What To Expect When You're Expecting to be Tortured
Date: 02/22/2008
Views: 13327
Keywords: Torture, Gitmo, Detainees, Guantanamo, Mukasey, Attorney General, POW, Human Rights, X-Treme, Interrogation, Tactics, Death, 1000 Cuts, The Gimp, Condi Rice, Condeleezza Rice, Anaconda, Pakistan, Training, Holding Breath