Nixon and Trump
Date: 12/10/2020
Views: 5062
Keywords: Sputnik news, Richard Nixon, history, Florida, Ohio, electoral college, 2020 presidential election, 1960 presidential election, John F Kennedy, JFK, heat, really, presidential pardon
If Previous Presidents Reacted to Crises the Way Biden Is to the Covid Economic Crash
Date: 02/03/2021
Views: 14653
Keywords: Joe Biden, economic stimulus, coronavirus, COVID-19, economy, FDR, pearlharbor, WWII, Honolulu local police, Abraham Lincoln, senate, gridlock, succession, pisser, soviets, Soviet union, moon, moon shot, space program, space race, JFK, John F Kennedy, Tul
Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You
Date: 11/24/2020
Views: 9895
Keywords: President Skeletor, Joe Biden, inauguration, Mitch McConnell, JFK, John F Kennedy, Barack Obama, Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Roberts, Supreme Court, inaugural ceremony, obstructionism