Keyword Album: MSF
Date: 02/12/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 10 items
We're Not Barbarian (Americans)!
Date: 11/24/2015
Views: 8834
Keywords: ISIS, Islamic State, IS, hospital, Kunduz, MSF, Doctors Without Borders, hypocrisy, war, Paris terrorist attacks, Syria
Sometimes You Feel Like Electing a Nut
Date: 10/23/2015
Views: 15799
Keywords: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Republican primaries, Barack Obama, 2016 presidential campaign, Paul Ryan, House Speaker, NSA, National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, domestic surveillance, drones, UAVs, Predators, Kunduz hospital bombing, MSF, Doctors Withou
Kunduz 911
Date: 10/14/2015
Views: 12111
Keywords: Kunduz, Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Doctors without borders, DWB, MSF, accidental bombing, collateral damage, World Trade Center attacks, 9/11, September 11, weasel, public relations, propaganda
Your Criminal Justice System at Work
Date: 06/22/2002
Views: 4945
A Little Critique
Date: 06/24/2006
Views: 15438
Keywords: War, Postwar, Planning, Defense, Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror, DOD, Rumsfeld, Bush, Criticism, Soldiers, POWs, Prisoners, Germans, Nazis, World War II, Surrender, Loss, Counterinsurgency, Insurgency, Insurgents, DOD\, Occupation, Plans, Plan
Moving the Goalposts
Date: 06/17/2006
Views: 12502
Keywords: al-Zarqawi, Iraq, war, bushists, bush, president, goals, ambitious, easy, victory, imminent, around, corner, God, kill, U.S., insurgent, Amman, Baghdad, highway, rumble strip, rumble, strip, Hilla, glorious, Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, golf, shot
Support Our Troop
Date: 12/16/2006
Views: 6053
Rumsfeld Charged with War Crimes
Date: 11/12/2006
Views: 6186
Iraqi Benchmarks for Success
Date: 10/27/2006
Views: 13903
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, War on Terror, Terrorism, War on Terrorism, Benchmarks, Failure, Success, Metrics, Rumsfeld, Department of Defense, Generals, Military, Months, Years, Rocks, Attacks, Insurgents, Marriages, Gay Marriage, Gravity, Death Rate, Birth Rate