Keyword Album: Obamacare
Date: 02/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 45 items
Poison Pill Politics
Date: 05/07/2013
Views: 16926
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Barack Obama, prison overcrowding, legislation, gun control, AK-47s, kindergarteners, socialism, Obamacare, healthcare reform, communism, bluffing
Say Anything
Date: 07/11/2012
Views: 11708
Keywords: Obamacare, Affordable Care Act, healthcare reform, Republicans, GOP, talking points, propaganda, rhetoric, taxes, income tax, constitutionality, nationalize, gay marriage, gridlock
Diminished Expectations
Date: 07/02/2012
Views: 8068
The System Makes Me Sick
Date: 02/16/2012
Views: 10859
Keywords: Supreme Court, Healthcare reform, Corrupt, Lawsuit, Obamacare, Evil private Corporations, Sick, System, Capitalism, Revolt, Revolution, Gouging, Molotov Cocktails
To the Barricades
Date: 07/13/2011
Views: 13692
Keywords: taxes, payroll, paycheck, wars, military spending, federal spending, debt service, healthcare mandate, obamacare, torture, assassinations, bombings, invasions, militarism
Gitmo: New and Improved
Date: 03/11/2011
Views: 13129
Keywords: human rights, gitmo, guantanamo, healthcare, obama, civil rights, waterboarding, perrier, torture, executive order, obamacare, soldiers, detainees, prisoners, mineral water, flashlight, mandate
Take That, Voltaire
Date: 12/26/2009
Views: 8572
Keywords: Obamacare, Healthcare, Reform, Obama, Believe, Disaster, Catastrophe, Perfect, Enemy, Good, Debacle, Voltaire, Skull, Mess
The Public Option
Date: 12/24/2009
Views: 8535
Date: 03/21/2008
Views: 10934
Keywords: ObamaCare, Healthcare, Passing as Children, Gastric Bypass, Surgery, DNA, Fake ID, School Transcript, Hormones, Plastic Surgery, Obama, Barack Obama, Health Care